White Women by Regina Jackson & Saira Rao

White Women by Regina Jackson & Saira Rao

Author:Regina Jackson & Saira Rao [Jackson, Regina & Rao, Saira]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
Published: 2022-11-02T00:00:00+00:00

Saira’s Story

“My son had a white friend over for a playdate. We will call him Ben. His mom texted me an hour before she was supposed to pick up Ben, saying she was having a crazy busy day and was held up at work and asking if I could drive him to lacrosse practice. I said sure, assuming it wasn’t a FORTY-MINUTE drive during rush-hour weekday traffic. I was annoyed, but I said I’d do it, so I take a work call from the car and drive him there. We get to the field. Nobody is there. Ben calls his mom, and I’m stunned when he hangs up and says, ‘Oh, she got it confused. Practice doesn’t start for another half hour.’ Full stop. Nothing about what I am supposed to do with this ten-year-old kid on an empty field. So I call her. Goes straight to voicemail. I get a text from her that says, ‘I’m still on a work call. Will call shortly.’ I am aghast. She just talked to her son but screened me. So I text back and say, ‘I am just going to bring him home.’ To which she responds, ‘Okay.’ I drive another twenty minutes to get him home, where a neighbor is out front waiting to drive him back to practice. It is another half hour before I get a text saying simply, ‘Thanks.’ That’s the last I’ve heard from her and it’s been four months.

“It occurred to me after that she was treating me like a babysitter. Asking to take her kid to practice, not answering my call, shooing me off by text because she was busy, not apologizing, and then not calling me again thereafter, like an employee who’d done a poor job. Her time, her work, her kid, and her life were more important than mine. So much more important that she rendered me an unpaid employee.”

Like HOA Heather, Crazy Busy Caitlin is ENTITLED AF.

First, to think she can even ask Saira to drive her kid forty minutes away during a workday because she is too busy.

Second, not immediately fixing the situation when she realized what had happened. Why didn’t she immediately call Saira to apologize and come up with a plan? Instead, she forced Saira to troubleshoot.

Third, she didn’t even thank Saira for her effort. Of course, she said, “Thanks,” but remember white woman nice. This “thanks” is not “Thank you. I appreciate you and your time.” It’s just the obligatory thank-you of a white woman being nice. How do we know? Because this thank-you was not accompanied by an apology. White woman nice doesn’t require true repentance.

Fourth, her silence since the incident bizarrely reads as though somehow Saira was the offender in all of this.

This is classic white entitlement.

Other casual examples of your white woman entitlement:

1. Allowing your children to run wild on airplanes. A former white friend of Saira’s relayed this story after a flight with her two-year-old son: “Al was stir-crazy, so I let him run up and down the aisles.


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